By reading this page the reader agrees to not disclose, repeat, or use in any way, any of the text, content, or ideas for any reason without express permission in writing from the original creator Erik Listou.
I agree to these terms and want to Inspire, Improve, and Help Children Worldwide!
To discover more about the Book, the two Movies, and Santa's Plan, click a section below, or just take Santa's hand and walk down this page...
The Book
"Christmas Through the Eyes of Santa"
An excerpt from chapter one...
I love telling stories, especially about Santa visits. Whenever I share a Santa story, people smile and often tell me, “You should write a book.” My response is always, yes, someday I will finish the book, “Christmas Through the Eyes of Santa.” I think now it is time. Not time to just write a book, but time to share some of the many stories I have collected from 33 years of wearing the big red suit. It is time to write the book and help you, the reader, embrace both the simplicity and complexity of Santa. As I captured my thoughts and stories and gathered the photos and children's wish lists spanning over 3 decades, I laughed and I cried. I remembered not only the children and visits but also the inherent and awesome responsibility of being Santa.
The book is a collection of insights shared from my learning for 30+ years as Santa
· Book release July 2025
Current chapters:
1. Why Through the Eyes of Santa
2. Who is Santa?
3. Santa and Religion
4. Gifts and Promises
5. The Nice & Naughty Lists
6. Mrs. Claus
7. Preparing for a Visit
8. Parades and Firetrucks, Helicopters and Snowcats
9. The Reindeer
10. Cookies and Milk
101 Talking With Your Children About Santa
12. Questions Children Have Asked
13. Social Impact of Santa
14. Closing, until next Christmas
The book will include pictures of wonderful children and copies of some of the amazing letters and Wish Lists that children have brought to Santa over the last 30 years.
Now, before publishing the book, Santa's mission has grown to include two movies and generate a $1b fund.
Together we can reach our vision to Inspire, Improve, and Help Children Worldwide.
Santa needs your help.
The children need your help.
The completed many book will include many photos of visits, wish lists and letters, plus the ornaments from children that adorn our Christmas tree year-round.
Current chapters and content are below as a scrollable pdf
"Santa is in his workshop and neither toys nor cookies can keep a smile on his face, but how will Mrs. Claus and the elves bring joy back to Santa?"
Below is the draft of the screenplay...
(July and “true story” are marketing/branding elements, or “cookies”)
Privacy notice...
By reading this page the reader agrees to not disclose, repeat, or use in any way, any of the text, content, or ideas for any reason without express permission in writing from the original creator Erik Listou. I agree to these terms and want to Inspire, Improve, and Help Children Worldwide!
Santa in July. 1
Origin: 2
Logline: 2
Premise. 2
Characters. 2
Screenplay outline. 3
1. Opening scene: 3
2. The Stables. 3
3. The Nice & Naughty Lists. 4
4. Santa’s Living Room... 4
5. Santa’s Workshop. 4
6. Santa’s Workbench. 5
7. The Stables. 7
8. Santa’s Journey. 8
9. A Friendly Town. 8
10. Walking Down the Street. 8
11. The School Bus. 9
12. The Park. 9
13. Music Scene. 10
14. Santa Helping Other Children. 11
15. Going Home. 11
16. Back to the Sleigh. 11
17. The Trip Back to the North Pole. 11
18. Back in the Workshop. 12
One summer afternoon, in mid-July, Erik and Frances were sitting in a local restaurant (brand placement/partner opportunity). On the other side of the restaurant sat a family with several children. As Frances and Erik sat and talked, Frances said to Erik, “You’re not listening to me." He replied, “Yes I am.” With the infinite wisdom of a wife, she politely said, “No, you are not. You keep looking at the children on the other side of the room and they keep looking at you.
"You have not visited with children since last Christmas. Please go visit with those children. Then come back with that Santa smile on your face and then can talk.”
Beaming with delight, he quickly rose and, after visiting with the children, he returned and merrily continued their conversation.
Santa is not smiling in his workshop but neither toys nor cookies bring him joy. How can Santa bring happiness back to the North Pole?
To be content within ourselves, we need the outward joy and love of others.
Protagonist - Santa
Mrs. Claus
Elves – Children from around the world, in communities that will be assisted financially
Adults and children for street and bus scenes
Cafe – room of persons at tables, some of whom are famous in the music world
Band – Looking very plain, famous persons from the movie world. Plus, Michael McGuffey, guitar.
Rudolf – rights need to be obtained - The character and story of Rudolph are protected by copyright. The Rudolph Company, L.P. trademarked the name "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" in 1984. Classic Media, an entertainment rights company, also has intellectual property rights to Rudolph.
From high above the slowly spinning earth, we gently travel down through the clouds and the swirling snow. As if traveling by a magical sleigh, we seem to dip and slowly float toward the ground. We begin to see what appears to be a colorful and somewhat magical-looking village.
In the fields next to the village, we begin to see what looks like, yes indeed, those are reindeer joyfully playing games. And bounding among them, are those truly unicorns that we see?
We slowly circle and begin to hear faint sounds of bright laughter, and, is that holiday music? The tinkering sounds of joyful, busy workers come from what appears to be a very large workshop. Gathered about the yard we see, still from a distance, what at first appears to be children scurrying about, laughing with much delight, playing games and carrying toys.
The view fills us with happiness and joy. As our eyes adjust to this magical sight. We begin to see what at first appeared to be children, but wait, are they each wearing a colorful, pointed hat? And look, their shoes curl up at the toes in a whimsical fashion. As the swirling snow begins to clear, are those long pointed ears their hats are resting upon? Could it our vision begins to clear and our hearts begin to swell, could it be? Could they be? Are these really Santa's elves?
The gentle snow again begins to swirl our view through more of this magical village. We begin to see what looks like a stable for horses, but there are neither saddles nor horses. We swoop down into the stables. Our vision again clears for a moment as we see elegant hand-crafted signs over each stall with golden-edged letters. Dasher. Dancer. Prancer. Vixen. Comet. Cupid. Donner. Blitzen. Then finally, a sign with a hint of red... yes, it says Rudolf. Could this really be? Is this truly the actual stables where the reindeer of our childhood dreams live?
We then continue our journey of wonders and pass by a plain small sleigh with one set of reins. (important for later).
The music begins to swell with mounting pomp and circumstance as our eyes next behold...a grand sleigh. This sleigh is a bit larger, with rigging and reins for a whole team to pull. The ornately carved sleigh is red with golden runners and bells ready to jingle. We see a single, wide seat. Delicately perched behind, but within easy reach, is an empty, large ornate bag with nine bells (one is red) attached to a wide golden rope ready to cinch up a load of precious cargo.
Can this truly be?
Yes, it is Santa’s sleigh!
As we leave the stables, we enter into a grand building.
The music becomes merry and bright – this is from where we heard the Christmas music!
Inside we see a table with a colorfully adorned tall chair. On the table are two very large books. They appear to be very ancient books with gold letters on the front. Yes, these are the famous Naughty and Nice Lists. Perched on the table, in front of the books, (the books will be important later in this movie and in movie #2) we see a candle, a large magnifying glass, and a large quill pen.
We continue our journey into a room with a cozy warm fireplace. There are two large, ornately overstuffed chairs with matching footrests. The walls are adorned with Wish Lists and a large Christmas tree is decorated with gifts from children. (these will be the authentic lists and gifts given to Santa over the last 30 years)
Are we thinking these chairs are for Santa and Mrs. Claus?
Continuing to the next room, we see a smiling Mrs. Claus. She is busy in the kitchen making cookies and hot chocolate. Some of the elves are with her, smiling, laughing, and busily helping.
Our journey continues into a cavernous workshop. Yes, there truly are scores of elves busy making toys.
(Note: the elves are children scouted from around the world and brought to Hollywood along with their families for the shooting. This scouting is also to determine how can help the children in their communities)
Continuing the flowing views…
The elves are busy making toys. Some are using tablets and smartphones, and some are even wearing smartwatches. We see the elves referring to big screens that show the numbers of their toy-making progress.
(the numbers are real numbers provided by the manufacturers of Legos, Barbie, etc. Important for marketing bits, product placement, and soliciting movie partners) We see brightly colored name tags on each toy, with a child’s name on each one. Our view continues down what seems like an endless workshop to a large double doorway, just being opened by the elves. Who do we see…Santa!
Santa is at his workbench.
Santa is not busy making toys.
Santa is not happy.
Santa looks sad.
Some of the elves look concerned. They are not sure what to think. They quickly decide that Mrs. Claus needs to know something is wrong. Some of them scurry off to find Mrs. Claus.
Mrs. Claus brings a plate of fresh, warm cookies and Santa’s face lights up as he thanks Mrs. Claus, takes a bite…then sadly puts it down on the plate and pushes it away.
The elves bring in a mug of steaming hot chocolate.
Santa's face lights up as he takes a sip.
The elves all smile.
Santa puts the mug down and looks even more sad.
Mrs. Claus looks worried.
The elves look worried.
Some elves bring Santa a few toys.
Santa brightens up and starts playing with the toys.
Santa puts the toys down and is sad again.
The elves are all buzzing…what’s wrong with Santa?
Rudolf comes running from the stables and affectionally nuzzles Santa.
Santa smiles and hugs Rudolf. Then Santa looks down. He is still sad.
Rudolf looks worried.
The buzz of concern is growing throughout the workshop.
Mrs. Claus invites Santa to join her and sit in front of the fire. Some of the elves join them. Everyone looks worried.
Mrs. Claus asks Santa how he is feeling.
Santa just shrugs.
Mrs. Claus ponders…what could be the cause of Santa’s sadness?
Then, she slowly and knowingly begins to smile.
Does Mrs. Claus know the cause of Santa’s sadness?
Mrs. Claus talks with Santa. She talks about how happy the children were last Christmas and how happy Santa becomes when he visits with children. Santa starts to smile!
Santa smiles with memories…he remembers and talks about a few of the children. (the stories he tells will be real stories, excerpts from the book. Some of those children will become characters in both movies).
Santa is once again his joyful, happy self. The elves start to dance about.
Mrs. Claus politely suggests, "Santa, you need to visit some children."
Santa’s face beams, Mrs. Claus smiles, and the elves all smile and nod with approval!
Santa excitedly creates a plan…"Call in the reindeer and ready the sleigh. Bring in my favorite red suit and hat, and don’t forget my boots, the ones with the white furry trim!"
Mrs. Claus politely reminds Santa that the reindeer can only fly on Christmas Eve, that is part of the Christmas Magic.
Santa ponders a bit. The elves whisper ideas to each other and shrug their shoulders.
Mrs. Claus suggests, “And Santa, everyone will be confused if you wear your red suit, they will think it is Christmas in July! What if you just wear regular clothes? A pair of regular pants, maybe your favorite red shirt, and of course, your shiny red shoes.”
(back stories will include a pair of shiny red Nike (brand placement) shoes that Erik has worn for years on special occasions. They always bring exclamations of delight to others.
Mrs. Claus continues, “I could pack some cookies and hot chocolate for you and some carrots for Rudolf. You two would take the small one-reindeer sleigh, ride across the frozen tundra, and visit some children. It’s a long trip and you will need to be careful.”
She then politely reminds Rudolf, "Remember, Rudolf, your nose only glows on Christmas Eve. It would take a miracle for your nose to glow any other time.” (this is a connection to a scene in movie #2) “I am sure the elves could fasten a flashlight to the front of the sleigh, so you could still guide the way!”
Santa booms out, "What a great idea Mrs. Claus, you are so smart! What could I ever do without you!"
The whole workshop buzzes while everything is made ready. We see the elves working on the one-reindeer sleigh, attaching the flashlight and hitching up Rudolf. Mrs. Claus gently sets a plate of cookies and a few carrots down on the seat.
Giving her a polite kiss on the cheek, Santa jumps for joy and all the elves join in, dancing around together with Santa. Mrs. Claus smiles at the revelry.
The elves hook Rudolf to the front of the sleigh. Santa climbs up onto the sleigh. Mrs. Claus watches and nods approvingly. She places a warm blanket on Santa. (the blanket is a large white hand-made afghan Erik's sister made as a wedding gift - more of the true stories woven into the movie to make it real - media cookies)
Giving Santa a hug and warm goodbye, she affectionately hugs Rudolf and steps back to join the elves gathered together for a joyful sendoff. All of the elves are gathered. The large double doors open from the stables to the world outside.
Santa winks at Mrs. Claus and all the elves. He waves a fond farewell to the reindeer, who are all gathered about Rudolf and wishing him well. Rudolf, Santa and the sleigh leap from the workshop, out onto the snow, to begin their long journey.
Now we see Santa and Rudolf riding across the snow waving a fond farewell. From Santa’s Village, we see Mrs. Claus and the elves joyfully waving. We see the reindeer, and a few of the unicorns, all smiling at Santa, Rudolf, and each other.
(with the same flowing graphic movements from the beginning)
As they travel they talk about how wonderful it will be to visit children again. Santa tells a few more stories about the children they hope to find. They smile and munch on their cookies and carrots. They wonder how long it will take to reach the children.
Santa then admits to Rudolf, I have never traveled so far on land, he is not sure he knows the way. Rudolf politely mentions that, on Christmas Eve, he knows where everyone lives, so he thinks he can guide the way for this very special journey.
Santa closes his eyes and says, "I trust you, Rudolf!" as he begins a long winter's nap.
The scene magically fades to Santa and Rudolf arriving just outside a pleasant and happy looking town. They park the sleigh behind a grove of trees. With puzzled looks, Rudolf and Santa say to each other. "Where are we?" Santa says, almost as a question, “Maybe, Rudolf, Christmas magic is not just during the holidays, it can happen all year long.” Rudolf looks out into the fields and sees some deer and elk. Smiling at Rudolf, Santa gives a nod of approval as Rudolf runs off to play with his new friends.
Because he is not wearing his traditional Santa suit, there will be several opportunities to meet and greet children in stores, restaurants, in a park, etc. As he walks along the sidewalk, two young children stop to look at Santa. One, matter-of-factly says, “Oh, Santa, now I understand how you watch us all year, you just put on regular clothes.” And the second child, pointing to his not-so-huge-belly, says, “And he will eat a lot of cookies.” (This is based on a true story that happened one summer day – more tie-ins with the book stories)
(some of the children from the first movie will be featured in the second movie)
Santa begins to walk through the town. He smiles at folks as they pass by. When he sees a young person holding a door open for his mother, Santa, winks and makes a polite comment, "That is a nice thing to do!"
(although a wink was not in the famous story, ‘Twas the night…, Santa’s smile and wink will create a new, brandable iconic image).
Santa sees a school bus stopped. Several children are bounding down the steps with their backpacks and lunch pails in hand, ready to go home. He sees a car that stopped for the children, he looks at the driver, smiles, winks, and quietly says, “That was a Nice thing to do.”
Santa stops to watch some children playing in a park. When he sees a child pushing another on a swing, he smiles, winks, and nods approvingly. One child is sitting quietly with his mother. He looks a little different than the rest. The others are not letting him join in the fun. (invoking memories of the song, Rudolf) As Santa walks by, he smiles and calmly says to the child, "We are all different. One day they will understand you and ask you to join in the fun. Then he winks at the child." The mother looks at her child and says, "I love you, you are so nice." Suddenly, a few of the other children approach the child and ask if they will join them and play in the sandbox. The child looks at their mother, then at Santa, and smiles with delight and they run off with new friends
(Because the premise of the second movie is Santa’s purpose, his true mission, is helping everyone be on the Nice List, the interactions all center around Santa complimenting and praising children, of all ages, for being Nice, and politely helping those who are not being Nice to change their ways. Each time a child talks to Santa and he comments that they are being Nice, we see the Nice & Naughty books at the North Pole, and we see the child’s name on the Nice List. It glows and a swirl of stars forms a big check mark next to their name, then fades away and we see smaller swirls checking upon other names on the same page. Those names are the real names of the workshop elves who by appearance are from different communities around the world. For some children, we see Santa talking to a child and we see their name on the Naughty List, As Santa helps that child and they begin to understand how to change their behavior, we see their name on the Naughty List rise up as a swirl of dust from the Naughty List and transformed into a swirl of stars that whisps across to the Nice List and floats down onto the page, highlighted with a big check mark of stars.)
One scene would start with Santa sitting in the park on a bright, sunny day with local stores along the street. He hears music coming from somewhere across the street.
Following the sound, he sees a family-oriented gathering place across the street. He properly uses the crosswalk, waving at the drivers that stop for him. (each person smiles back and we see their name on the Nice List highlighted with the check mark) He hurries towards the music. He enters a spacious, comfortable, and brightly lit roomful of families enjoying a meal and visiting with each other. Santa smiles as he passes each table. When the eyes of a child, and the adults, light up with recognition, he winks at them and their family and friends around them, are almost magically flooded with happiness.
He moves slowly around the edge of the group, smiling at everyone he sees, and arrives at the side of the stage where a musical group is entertaining the audience. The band is apparently local and dressed in casual clothes. However, when we look closely, they are well-known artists, but completely out of costume, The players may include a singer, guitar player, bass player, drummer, a piano player dressed in regular clothes (maybe Elton John), a cellist (maybe Yo Yo Ma), everyone is looking and acting unpretentious, just like “normal” folks. Santa likes their music. His smile grows and he starts nodding in time with the music!
The band members look at the band leader.
The band leader looks at Santa.
The band leader looks perplexed towards the other members of the band.
The band leader looks carefully at Santa. Santa then, laying a finger aside his nose, gives a nod and a wink.
The band leader turns to the band and, giving them the same inspired wink, they all smile broadly and shake their heads yes in unison.
Santa walks through the crowd and stops at a few tables. At each table, Santa winks at one of the adults whose back is to the camera. The person rises out of their seat, everyone at the table smiles with encouragement, and the person walks onto the stage with the band.
Santa then walks onto the stage, and pulling a harmonica out of his pocket, he joins in with the band. Together their song drifts into a brief medley of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Ode to Joy, and Joy to the World, then goes back into the original song. (the audience members he has invited to the stage are all well-known stars, joining as back-up singers. Each of them are gently swaying together as they sing. We notice that instead of their normal strutting about on stage, each is almost motionless except for their gentle swaying in unison with the music. Imaging Mick Jagger, Taylor Swift, and Tina Turner, standing almost motionless, not strutting about but singing together in harmony!)
When the song is over, he nods to the cheering audience, then to the smiling band, with The Wink, Santa leaves with a big smile, waving at the audience.
As he walks out the door, he holds it open for a family just entering. They are a little surprised and happy to hear the applause from inside. They smile at Santa, and he smiles back, saying, "What a wonderful place, and the band is pretty good." Then, Santa gives them, The-Wink.
Several other scenes will continue, with Santa helping children, of all ages, learning how to be on the Nice List. Critical because this is the premise of the final movie.
Santa decides it is time to go home and share his adventures with Mrs. Claus, the elves, and the reindeer. He walks to the edge of town and sees Rudolf in the distance. Rudolf looks at Santa, and just with a slight glow of his nose (this will connect to a scene in movie #2) he says goodbye to his friends.
Together they walk behind the grove of trees to the sleigh. Santa hitches Rudolf to the one-reindeer sleigh and checks the flashlight.
Full of happiness and joy they travel through the swirling snow and arrive at the North Pole, greeted by a smiling Mrs. Claus and all the happy and cheering elves and reindeer.
The movie ends by showing the elves happy in the workshop. Some are checking the production numbers of toys. (the production numbers are provided by respective toy manufacturers. Again we see tags on each toy with a child's name.
Santa is sitting next to Mrs. Claus in their big, overstuffed chairs. Mrs. Claus passes a plate of cookies to Santa. Santa looks so happy. Mrs. Claus looks so pleased. One of the elves hands Santa a cup of hot chocolate. Santa takes a bite of a cookie and a sip of steaming hot chocolate, and, with marshmallows sticking to the snowy white, curled ends of his broad mustache, he winks to the camera and laughs with a big, “Ho! Ho! Ho!”
...Then Santa winks at the camera audience, and beams the biggest smile ever!
"Only three days until Christmas and Santa discovers that some of the children he visited last summer are on the Naughty List, but he would need a miracle to save them and still be ready for Christmas Eve, can he do it?"
Protagonist - Santa
The overriding premise is that Santa helps children to be on the Nice List, and until every child is on the Nice List, the Christmas Magic cannot happen.
Nothing catastrophic happens - no monsters, no lost presents, no coal.
The screenplay outline is being created...
"He's making a list, checking it twice..."
Scroll down for:
Inspire, Improve, and Help children worldwide.
Produce an book for grownups and two iconic family Santa movies that Inspire a $1b fund to Improve lives and Help children worldwide, beginning with the child actors in the movies who play the role of the beloved Elves at the North Pole.
Current audiences:
Business Plan
Book and movies are intertwined.
Business goals are Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, & Time Bound
Poised to become the world's most iconic and successful worldwide fundraising for children.
– Finding teams and money
· 1.2 Billion Children Worldwide Are Living in Poverty
· Partner with existing organizations that need financial assistance to meet children’s needs
· Create new programs as needed, based on research during movie actor talent search – the Elves are from communities around the world!
· Other Santa books
· Other Santa movies
· Other Children fundraisers
Produce an book and two iconic Santa movies that inspire a $1b fund to improve lives and help children worldwide, starting with the child actors in the movies who play the role of the beloved Elves.
To develop a book plus two movies that delight the world, regardless of individual beliefs, raise awareness of the needs of children worldwide, and inspire a $1b fund by Christmas Day 2026 to improve the lives of children worldwide, through existing and new programs.
Find a who-knows-who of influencers who know people who know people.
Create the legal structure
Decide movie and book teams. The producers, directors, and other key participants will be a collaborative team effort, thereby maximizing the potential for creativity, public exposure, media opportunities, and success!
"Santa, thanks to you and the whole team, these two movies are now the highest-grossing films ever. Santa, we have already made our fortunes. If we give you $500m today, could you help children worldwide?" Santa thoughtfully ponders, then with the Wink (previously branded in Movie #1) , he exclaims, "Yes, tomorrow we will begin...(Santa starts naming specific projects in places worldwide that will inspire, improve, and help children worldwide) and, (looking at the camera). Together we can help children worldwide. We have only a few weeks until Christmas, and if anyone would like to help please call us or go online to contribute to help children worldwide. My Christmas wish is to raise another $500m before Christmas for a total of $1b to help children!"
The programs Santa mentioned are all ready to begin immediately. And with media present in every location they exclaim Santa was right, together we can help children worldwide!
Media stories start to surface about some of the background folks, like Oprah, Mick Jagger, etc, who are taking turns answering the phones and would love to talk to you and accept your donation.
Every day Santa posts messages announcing how many days until Christmas, and how much money has been contributed towards the goal of $1B to help children worldwide.
Then, properly staged, the media starts leaking stories about some of those who are answering the phones and would like to match your donation. Imagine, a story about a caller talking to Oprah, and she matches someone's $10m donation!
The goal of $1b is reached by Christmas Day 2026
· Domains - and are reserved
· USTPO and 501(c)(3) need to be filed
The corporation's name and street address;Santa Helping Children
Name and street address of the registered agent for service of process:
Erik Listou, 5376 South High Rd, Evergreen, CO 80439
The name and address of each incorporator--this is the person who signs the articles, it doesn't have to be a member of the nonprofit:
Erik Listou 5376 South High Rd, Evergreen, CO 80439
The corporation will have voting members:
Yes, one voting member, Erik Listou
Purpose clause providing that the corporation is organized for an exempt purpose--these include charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, or certain other purposes:
PURPOSE: Santa Helping Children is a non-profit corporation created for the purpose of helping children worldwide primarily through raising and distributing funds through existing and new programs. The nonprofit will not engage in activities unrelated to its exempt purposes or prohibited political or legislative activity, and if the corporation is dissolved the corporation's assets will dedicated to another 501(c)(3) organization or to the government upon dissolution.
Contact 720-581-0277 or